The Future of Public Service Delivery by the Community & Voluntary Sector

Striking headline isn’t it? But its not just a headline or the voices of the community and voluntary sector making a mountain out of a mole hill. This sector, across the board - including our membership, are at crisis point and the question “What does the future of public service delivery by the community & voluntary sector hold” is very much at the forefront of our minds.

In response to this escalating issue we have contributed data from our network to a report led by The Wheel and corelated by TASC which is not just titled the above but also delivers a stark and very real insight to the extent of the crisis we are now in.

Many of the services in our network will not be able to continue to provide the same standard or volume of support to the service user if things carry on for much longer.

You can read the full report HERE

We are currently gathering data from our network on the impacts to the service user due to the strain on the service. Part two of the report is hoped to be released in September.


NVDAS Webinar with The Recovery Academy & the HSE Social Inclusion office.


eCASS sub-group news